Catalogue class

The class which manages the party catalogue


Catalogue({List<List<CatalogueElement>> catalogue })
Catalogue.fromFirestore(Map catalogueMap)
Constructor for the creation of the catalogue when downloaded from Firestore
Constructor for the initialization in the creation of a party


catalogue ↔ List<List<CatalogueElement>>
Matrix with the different CatalogueElements
read / write
isEmpty → bool
Checks if the catalogue and its Lists are empty
numberOfCategories → int
Number of cateogries in the Catalogue instance
totalPoints ↔ int
read / write
hashCode → int
The hash code for this object. [...]
read-only, inherited
runtimeType → Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
read-only, inherited


catalogueMatrixMapper() → Map<String, Map<String, Map<String, dynamic>>>
Creates a matrix of Maps representing each CatalogueElement
ppp(int numberOfPeople) → int
Returns the number of Pinder-points per person needed for the current Catalogue instance
printCatalogue() → void
Prints the catalogue field, for debuggng purposes
update(Catalogue upToDateCatalogue) → void
Updates the chosenQuantity fields in all the elements of the catalogue based on the locallyChosenQuantyty fields. It takes an up-to-date Catalogue instance, syncronized with Firestore, and adds up the quantity of every element chosen by the participants.
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a non-existent method or property is accessed. [...]
toString() → String
Returns a string representation of this object.


operator ==(dynamic other) → bool
The equality operator. [...]


cataloguePath → const String
The path to the catalogue on the Database
dbNames → const List<String>
Names on the database of the different categories paths
const <String> ["drinks", "food", "utilities"]
dbSubCategories → const List<List<String>>
Paths for the different subcategories
const <List<String>> [const <String> ['alcohol', 'soft_drinks'], const <String> ['simple_food'], const <String> ['to_eat', 'to_drink&#…
icons → const List<IconData>
IconData for the different categories
const <IconData> [Icons.local_bar, Icons.local_pizza, Icons.settings]
names → const List<String>
Names for the different categories
const <String> ["Drinks", "Food", "Utilities"]
pics → const List<String>
Background images for the cards
const <String> ["assets/img/beer_2.jpg", "assets/img/pasta.jpeg", "assets/img/kittens.jpeg"]