compressImage function

Future<File> compressImage (File imageFile)

Compresses the image picture, passed as File.


Future<File> compressImage(File imageFile) async {
  print("Getting tempdir"); //todo: remove debug print
  final Directory tempDir = await getTemporaryDirectory();
  print("Got tempdir: ${tempDir.path}");
  final String path = tempDir.path;
  int rand = new Random().nextInt(10000);
  Im.Image image = Im.decodeImage(imageFile.readAsBytesSync());
  int widthFinal = 0;
  //algorithm to decide the image width
  if (image.height > image.width) {
    widthFinal = 1080;
    if (image.width > 1080) {
      image = Im.copyResize(image, widthFinal);
  } else {
    widthFinal = ((image.width * 1080) / image.height).round();
    if (image.height > 1080) {
      image = Im.copyResize(image, widthFinal);
  }//todo: remove debug print
  imageFile = new File('$path/img_$rand.jpg')
    ..writeAsBytesSync(Im.encodeJpg(image, quality: 50));
  return imageFile;